Thorney Parish Council, as Thorney Burial Authority, administers a Cemetery at Whittlesey Road, Thorney.

Burial fees

a. Under 12 No charge
b. all others £330.00
c. Cremated remains £330.00
Exclusive Right of Burial
a. 6 × 4 Grave £880.00
c. Sanctum Unit £1,210.00
d. 6 × 4 Grave for cremated remains £1,210.00
a. Flat stone 12″ × 12″ £275.00
b. Headstone (not exceeding 2′ 6″) £275.00
c. Vase £110.00
d. Additional Inscription £90.00
e. Wall plaque £440.00
f. Replacement sanctum plaque £240.00
a. Interred site £165.00
b. Cremated site £165.00
Search Fee £45.00
Parish residents will be given a 50% discount

For more information please contact the Clerk to Thorney Parish Council.

Memorial sketch No.1
Memorial sketch No.2
Memorial sketch No.3

Cemetery Rules and Regulations (including memorials).

Cemetery Layout

The sanctum (stone vaults) accept a casket 254mm long × 165mm wide × 150mm high. Each vault will accept 2 caskets or containers.

Councillors responsible for burial and allotments

Cllrs: Parker, Winch